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5 years ago | |
.. | ||
assets | 6 years ago | |
requirements | 5 years ago | |
shell_scripts | 6 years ago | |
supervisord_programs | 6 years ago | |
tests | 5 years ago | |
{{cookiecutter.app_name}} | 5 years ago | |
.env.example | 6 years ago | |
.eslintrc | 8 years ago | |
.gitignore | 7 years ago | |
.travis.yml | 6 years ago | |
Dockerfile | 5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 6 years ago | |
Pipfile | 5 years ago | |
Procfile | 6 years ago | |
README.rst | 6 years ago | |
app.json | 6 years ago | | | 7 years ago | |
docker-compose.yml | 6 years ago | |
package.json | 6 years ago | |
requirements.txt | 11 years ago | |
setup.cfg | 6 years ago | |
supervisord.conf | 6 years ago | |
webpack.config.js | 6 years ago |
{{ cookiecutter.project_name }}
{{ cookiecutter.project_short_description}}
Run the following commands to bootstrap your environment ::
git clone{{cookiecutter.github_username}}/{{cookiecutter.app_name}}
cd {{cookiecutter.app_name}}
{%- if cookiecutter.use_pipenv == "yes" %}
pipenv install --dev
{%- else %}
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
{%- endif %}
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm start # run the webpack dev server and flask server using concurrently
You will see a pretty welcome screen.
Once you have installed your DBMS, run the following to create your app's
database tables and perform the initial migration ::
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
npm start
To deploy::
export FLASK_ENV=production
export FLASK_DEBUG=0
npm run build # build assets with webpack
flask run # start the flask server
In your production environment, make sure the ``FLASK_DEBUG`` environment
variable is unset or is set to ``0``.
To open the interactive shell, run ::
flask shell
By default, you will have access to the flask ``app``.
Running Tests/Linter
To run all tests, run ::
flask test
To run the linter, run ::
flask lint
The ``lint`` command will attempt to fix any linting/style errors in the code. If you only want to know if the code will pass CI and do not wish for the linter to make changes, add the ``--check`` argument.
Whenever a database migration needs to be made. Run the following commands ::
flask db migrate
This will generate a new migration script. Then run ::
flask db upgrade
To apply the migration.
For a full migration command reference, run ``flask db --help``.
If you will deploy your application remotely (e.g on Heroku) you should add the `migrations` folder to version control.
You can do this after ``flask db migrate`` by running the following commands ::
git add migrations/*
git commit -m "Add migrations"
Make sure folder `migrations/versions` is not empty.
This app can be run completely using ``Docker`` and ``docker-compose``. Before starting, make sure to create a new copy of ``.env.example`` called ``.env``. You will need to start the development version of the app at least once before running other Docker commands, as starting the dev app bootstraps a necessary file, ``webpack/manifest.json``.
There are three main services:
To run the development version of the app ::
docker-compose up flask-dev
To run the production version of the app ::
docker-compose up flask-prod
The list of ``environment:`` variables in the ``docker-compose.yml`` file takes precedence over any variables specified in ``.env``.
To run any commands using the ``Flask CLI`` ::
docker-compose run --rm manage <<COMMAND>>
Therefore, to initialize a database you would run ::
docker-compose run --rm manage db init
A docker volume ``node-modules`` is created to store NPM packages and is reused across the dev and prod versions of the application. For the purposes of DB testing with ``sqlite``, the file ``dev.db`` is mounted to all containers. This volume mount should be removed from ``docker-compose.yml`` if a production DB server is used.
Asset Management
Files placed inside the ``assets`` directory and its subdirectories
(excluding ``js`` and ``css``) will be copied by webpack's
``file-loader`` into the ``static/build`` directory, with hashes of
their contents appended to their names. For instance, if you have the
file ``assets/img/favicon.ico``, this will get copied into something
You can then put this line into your header::
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ "{{" }}asset_url_for('img/favicon.ico') {{ "}}" }}">
to refer to it inside your HTML page. If all of your static files are
managed this way, then their filenames will change whenever their
contents do, and you can ask Flask to tell web browsers that they
should cache all your assets forever by including the following line
in your ````::
SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT = 31556926 # one year
{%- if cookiecutter.use_heroku == "yes" %}
Before deploying to Heroku you should be familiar with the basic concepts of `Git <>`_ and `Heroku <>`_.
Remember to add migrations to your repository. Please check `Migrations`_ section.
Since the filesystem on Heroku is ephemeral, non-version controlled files (like a SQLite database) will be lost at least once every 24 hours. Therefore, a persistent, standalone database like PostgreSQL is recommended. This application will work with any database backend that is compatible with SQLAlchemy, but we provide specific instructions for Postgres, (including the required library ``psycopg2-binary``).
**Note:** ``psycopg2-binary`` package is a practical choice for development and testing but in production it is advised to use the package built from sources. Read more in the `psycopg2 documentation <>`_
If you keep your project on GitHub you can use 'Deploy to Heroku' button thanks to which the deployment can be done in web browser with minimal configuration required.
The configuration used by the button is stored in ``app.json`` file.
.. raw:: html
<a href="" style="display: block"><img src="" title="Deploy" alt="Deploy"></a>
Deployment by using `Heroku CLI <>`_:
* Create Heroku App. You can leave your app name, change it, or leave it blank (random name will be generated)::
heroku create {{cookiecutter.app_name}}
* Add buildpacks::
heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 heroku/python
* Add database addon which creates a persistent PostgresSQL database. These instructions assume you're using the free `hobby-dev <>`_ plan. This command also sets a ``DATABASE_URL`` environmental variable that your app will use to communicate with the DB.::
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --version=11
* Set environmental variables (change ``SECRET_KEY`` value)::
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=not-so-secret
heroku config:set
* Please check ``.env.example`` to see which environmental variables are used in the project and also need to be set. The exception is ``DATABASE_URL``, which Heroku sets automatically.
* Deploy on Heroku by pushing to the ``heroku`` branch::
git push heroku master
{%- endif %}