Add heroku deployment feature

Tobiasz Kędzierski 6 years ago committed by James Curtin
parent baf7140c76
commit 6264b22311
  1. 3
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 53
  5. 30
  6. 3
  7. 3

@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
"project_short_description": "A flasky app.",
"use_pipenv": ["no", "yes"],
"python_version": ["3.7", "3.6"],
"node_version": ["12", "10", "8"]
"node_version": ["12", "10", "8"],
"deployment_on_heroku": ["no", "yes"]

@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ click = ">=5.0"
# Database
Flask-SQLAlchemy = "==2.4.1"
SQLAlchemy = "==1.3.9"
{%- if cookiecutter.deployment_on_heroku == "yes" %}
psycopg2 = "==2.8.3"
{%- endif %}
# Migrations
Flask-Migrate = "==2.5.2"

@ -1 +1,2 @@
release: flask db upgrade
web: gunicorn {{cookiecutter.app_name}}.app:create_app\(\) -b$PORT -w 3

@ -135,3 +135,56 @@ should cache all your assets forever by including the following line
in your ````::
SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT = 31556926 # one year
{%- if cookiecutter.deployment_on_heroku == "yes" %}
Deployment on Heroku
Before using automatic deployment on Heroku you have to add migrations to your repository.
You can do it by using following commands ::
flask db init
flask db migrate
git add migrations/
git commit -m "Add migrations"
git commit push
Make sure folder `migrations/versions` is not empty.
Deploy to Heroku button
.. raw:: html
<a href=""><img src="" title="Deploy" alt="Deploy"></a>
Heroku CLI
If you want deploy by using Heroku CLI:
* create Heroku App. You can leave your app name, change it or leave it blank (random name will be generated)::
heroku create {{cookiecutter.app_name}}
* add buildpacks::
heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 heroku/python
* add Postgres database addon (it also sets `DATABASE_URL` environmental variable to created database)::
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
* set environmental variables (change secret key)::
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=<secret-key>
heroku config:set
* deploy on Heroku::
git push heroku master
{%- endif %}

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"name": "{{cookiecutter.app_name}}",
"repository": "{{cookiecutter.github_username}}/{{cookiecutter.app_name}}",
"env": {
"description": "SECRET_KEY.",
"generator": "secret"
"description": "FLASK_APP.",
"value": ""
"buildpacks": [
"url": "heroku/nodejs"
"url": "heroku/python"
"addons": [
"plan": "heroku-postgresql",
"options": {
"version": "11"

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"start": "concurrently -n \"WEBPACK,FLASK\" -c \"bgBlue.bold,bgMagenta.bold\" \"npm run webpack-dev-server\" \"npm run flask-server\"",
"webpack-dev-server": "NODE_ENV=debug webpack-dev-server --host= --port 2992 --hot --inline",
"flask-server": "{% if cookiecutter.use_pipenv == 'yes' %}pipenv run {% endif %}flask run --host=",
"lint": "eslint \"assets/js/*.js\""
"lint": "eslint \"assets/js/*.js\"",
"postinstall": "npm run build"
"repository": {
"type": "git",

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ click>=7.0
# Database
{%- if cookiecutter.deployment_on_heroku == "yes" %}
{%- endif %}
# Migrations
