Web service voor het LED-display
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1011 B

{{ cookiecutter.project_name }}

{{ cookiecutter.project_short_description}}



git clone https://github.com/{{cookiecutter.github_username}}/{{ cookiecutter.repo_name }}
cd {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
export {{cookiecutter.repo_name|upper}}_ENV='dev'
python manage.py createdb
python manage.py runserver


To open the interactive shell, run ::

python manage.py shell

By default, you will have access to ``app``, ``models``, and ``db``.

Development / Production Environments

Configuration environements are handled through the {{cookiecutter.repo_name|upper}}_ENV system environment variable.

To switch to the development environment, set ::

export {{cookiecutter.repo_name|upper}}_ENV="dev"

To switch to the production environment, set ::

export {{cookiecutter.repo_name|upper}}_ENV="prod"