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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Click commands."""
import os
8 years ago
from glob import glob
from subprocess import call
import click
8 years ago
HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.join(HERE, os.pardir)
TEST_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "tests")
def test():
"""Run the tests."""
import pytest
rv = pytest.main([TEST_PATH, "--verbose"])
help="Fix imports using isort, before linting",
help="Don't make any changes to files, just confirm they are formatted correctly",
def lint(fix_imports, check):
"""Lint and check code style with black, flake8 and isort."""
skip = ["node_modules", "requirements", "migrations"]
root_files = glob("*.py")
root_directories = [
name for name in next(os.walk("."))[1] if not name.startswith(".")
files_and_directories = [
arg for arg in root_files + root_directories if arg not in skip
def execute_tool(description, *args):
"""Execute a checking tool with its arguments."""
command_line = list(args) + files_and_directories
click.echo("{}: {}".format(description, " ".join(command_line)))
rv = call(command_line)
if rv != 0:
isort_args = ["-rc"]
black_args = []
if check:
if fix_imports:
execute_tool("Fixing import order", "isort", *isort_args)
execute_tool("Formatting style", "black", *black_args)
execute_tool("Checking code style", "flake8")