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bower install fullpage.js
// ! npm
npm install fullpage.js
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new fullpage('#fullpage', {
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#### =8F80;870F8O A jQuery
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- `resetSliders`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`). [ 0AH8@5=85 fullpage.js]( ?@545;O5B, =5>1E>48<> ;8 2>72@0I0BL 2 8AE>4=>5 ?>;>65=85 :064K9 ?>;7C=>: ?>A;5 ?>:840=8O @0745;0, 2 :>B>@>< >= @07<5IQ=. 5>1E>48<0 25@A8O fullpage.js >= 2.8.3.
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- `animateAnchor`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `true`) ?@545;O5B, 1C45B ;8 2> 2@5<O 703@C7:8 A09B0 ?@8 8A?>;L7>20=88 ?@82O7>: (#) >ACI5AB2;OBLAO ?@>:@CB:0 A 0=8<0F859 : =07=0G5==><C @0745;C 8;8 65 =0?@O<CN.
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- `menu`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) !5;5:B>@ <>65B 8A?>;L7>20BLAO 4;O A2O78 M;5<5=B>2 <5=N A @0745;0<8. "0:8< >1@07><, A:@>;;8=3 @0745;>2 0:B828@C5B A>>B25BAB2CNI89 M;5<5=B <5=N ?@8 ?><>I8 :;0AA0 `active`.
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- `navigationPosition`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `none`) >3CB 1KBL CAB0=>2;5=K 7=0G5=8O `left` 8;8 `right`. ?F8O >?@545;O5B, :0:>5 ?>;>65=85 709<5B ?0=5;L =02830F88 (5A;8 >=0 8A?>;L7C5BAO).
- `navigationTooltips`: (?> C<>;G0=8N []) ?@545;O5B A?@02>G=K5 =04?8A8, :>B>@K5 1C4CB ?>:070=K 4;O :@C6:>2 =02830F8>==>9 ?0=5;8, 5A;8 >=8 8A?>;L7CNBAO. 0?@8<5@: `navigationTooltips: ['firstSlide', 'secondSlide']`. K <>65B5 B0:65 >?@545;8BL 8E A ?><>ILN 0B@81CB0 `data-tooltip` 2 :064>< @0745;5, 5A;8 E>B8B5.
- `showActiveTooltip`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) >:07K205B ?>AB>O==CN A?@02>G=CN =04?8AL 4;O ?@>A<0B@8205<>3> 2 40==K9 <><5=B @0745;0 2 25@B8:0;L=>9 =02830F88.
- `slidesNavigation`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) @8 CAB0=>2:5 7=0G5=8O `true` =02830F8>==0O ?0=5;L 1C45B >B>1@060BLAO 2 2845 =51>;LH8E :@C6:>2 4;O :064>3> 3>@87>=B0;L=>3> ?>;7C=:0 A09B0.
- `slidesNavPosition`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `bottom`) ?@545;O5B <5AB>?>;>65=85 3>@87>=B0;L=>9 =02830F8>==>9 ?0=5;8 4;O A;0945@>2. >7<>6=K5 7=0G5=8O: `top` 8 `bottom`. @8 65;0=88 2K <>65B5 =0AB@>8BL AB8;8 CSS 4;O >?@545;5=8O @0AAB>O=8O >B 25@E=59 4> =86=59 G0AB8, B0: 65 :0: 8 ;N1>9 4@C3>9 AB8;L, =0?@8<5@, F25B.
- `scrollOverflow`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) >?@545;O5B =5>1E>48<>ABL A>740=8O ?@>:@CB:8 4;O @0745;0/A;0940, 5A;8 :>=B5=B ?@52KH05B 53> 2KA>BC. @8 CAB0=>2:5 7=0G5=8O `true` 20H :>=B5=B 1C45B >1Q@=CB ?;038=><. 0AA<>B@8B5 2>7<>6=>ABL 45;538@>20=8O 8;8 703@C78B5 20H8 A:@8?BK 4;O >1@0B=>3> 2K7>20 `afterRender`.
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<script type="text/javascript" src="vendors/scrolloverflow.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fullpage.js"></script>
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- `scrollOverflowReset`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) [ 0AH8@5=85 fullpage.js]( @8 CAB0=>2:5 7=0G5=8O `true` 1C45B >ACI5AB2;OBLAO ?@>:@CB:0 :>=B5=B0 @0745;0/A;0940 A ?><>ILN ?>;>AK ?@>:@CB:8 ?@8 ?>:840=88 4@C3>3> 25@B8:0;L=>3> @0745;0. "0:8< >1@07><, @0745;/A;094 1C45B 2A5340 ?>:07K20BL =0G0;> :>=B5=B0 4065 ?@8 A:@>;;8=35 87 @0745;0/A;0940, @0A?>;>65==>3> =865.
- `scrollOverflowOptions`: ?@8 ?@8<5=5=88 scrollOverflow:true fullpage.js 1C45B 8A?>;L7>20BL <>48D8F8@>20==CN 25@A8N [iScroll.js libary]( K <>65B5 =0AB@>8BL ?>2545=85 ?@>:@CB:8, >15A?5G82 fullpage.js >?F8O<8 iScroll.js, :>B>@K5 2K E>B8B5 8A?>;L7>20BL. >;55 ?>4@>1=CN 8=D>@<0F8N 2K <>65B5 =09B8 2 [4>:C<5=B0F88](
- `sectionSelector`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `.section`) ?@545;O5B A5;5:B>@ Javascript, 8A?>;L7C5<K9 4;O @0745;>2 A ?;038=0<8. =>340 B@51C5BAO 87<5=8BL 53>, GB>1K 871560BL ?@>1;5< A 4@C38<8 ?;038=0<8, 8A?>;L7CNI8<8 B5 65 A5;5:B>@K, GB> 8 fullpage.js.
- `slideSelector`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `.slide`) ?@545;O5B A5;5:B>@ Javascript, 8A?>;L7C5<K9 4;O A;094>2 A ?;038=0<8. =>340 B@51C5BAO 87<5=8BL 53>, GB>1K 871560BL ?@>1;5< A 4@C38<8 ?;038=0<8, 8A?>;L7CNI8<8 B5 65 A5;5:B>@K, GB> 8 fullpage.js.
- `responsiveWidth`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `0`) C45B 8A?>;L7>20BLAO AB0=40@B=0O ?@>:@CB:0 (`autoScrolling:false`), 5A;8 H8@8=0 <5=LH5, G5< 7040==>5 7=0G5=85 2 ?8:A5;OE. ;0AA `fp-responsive` 4>102;O5BAO : B53C body, 5A;8 ?>;L7>20B5;L 65;05B 8A?>;L7>20BL 4;O A>1AB25==>3> >B7K2G82>3> CSS. 0?@8<5@, 5A;8 CAB0=>2;5=> 7=0G5=85 900, B>, 5A;8 H8@8=0 1@0C75@0 A>AB02;O5B <5=55 900, ?;038= 1C45B ?@>:@CG820BL, :0: >1KG=K9 A09B.
- `responsiveHeight`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `0`) C45B 8A?>;L7>20BLAO AB0=40@B=0O ?@>:@CB:0 (`autoScrolling:false`), 5A;8 2KA>B0 <5=LH5, G5< 7040==>5 7=0G5=85 2 ?8:A5;OE. ;0AA `fp-responsive` 4>102;O5BAO : B53C body, 5A;8 ?>;L7>20B5;L 65;05B 8A?>;L7>20BL 4;O A>1AB25==>3> >B7K2G82>3> CSS. 0?@8<5@, 5A;8 CAB0=>2;5=> 7=0G5=85 900, B>, 5A;8 2KA>B0 1@0C75@0 A>AB02;O5B <5=55 900, ?;038= 1C45B ?@>:@CG820BL, :0: >1KG=K9 A09B.
- `responsiveSlides`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) [ 0AH8@5=85 fullpage.js]( @8 CAB0=>2:5 7=0G5=8O `true` A;094K 1C4CB B@0=AD>@<8@>20BLAO 2 25@B8:0;L=K5 @0745;K ?@8 0:B820F88 >B7K2G82>3> @568<0. (A ?><>ILN >?F89 `responsiveWidth` 8;8 `responsiveHeight`, ?>4@>1=> >?8A0==KE 2KH5). 5>1E>48<0 25@A8O fullpage.js >= 2.8.5.
- `parallax`: (?> C<>;G0=8N `false`) [ 0AH8@5=85 fullpage.js]( ?@545;O5B, 1C4CB ;8 8A?>;L7>20BLAO MDD5:BK ?0@0;;0:A 4;O D>=0 @0745;>2 / A;094>2. [#7=09B5 1>;LH5 >1 8A?>;L7>20=88 >?F88 ?0@0;;0:A 745AL](
- `parallaxOptions`: (?> C<>;G0=8N: `{ type: 'reveal', percentage: 62, property: 'translate'}`). >72>;O5B =0AB@0820BL ?0@0<5B@K MDD5:B0 ?0@0;;0:A 4;O D>=0 ?@8 8A?>;L7>20=88 >?F88 parallax:true. [#7=09B5 1>;LH5 >1 8A?>;L7>20=88 >?F88 ?0@0;;0:A 745AL](
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[5<>]( 0QB >1J5:B (=015@8B5 [Section](, A>45@60I89 0:B82=K9 A;094 8 53> A2>9AB20.
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[5<>]( 0QB >1J5:B (=015@8B5 [Slide](, A>45@60I89 0:B82=K9 @0745; 8 53> A2>9AB20.
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[5<>]( @>:@CG8205B =0 >48= @0745; 225@E:
### moveSectionDown()
[5<>]( @>:@CG8205B =0 >48= @0745; 2=87:
### moveTo(@0745;, A;094)
[5<>]( @>:@CG8205B AB@0=8FC : 7040==><C @0745;C 8 A;094C. 5@2K9 A;094, >B>1@060NI89AO ?> C<>;G0=8N, 1C45B 8<5BL 8=45:A 0.
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fullpage_api.moveTo(3, 0);
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1A>;NB=> B> 65 A0<>5, GB> 8 [`moveTo`](;-A;094), => 2 MB>< A;CG05 DC=:F8O 2K?>;=O5B ?@>:@CB:C 157 0=8<0F88. @O<>9 ?5@5E>4 : 7040==>9 B>G:5.
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fullpage_api.silentMoveTo('firstSlide', 2);
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@>:@CG8205B 3>@87>=B0;L=K9 ?>;7C=>: B5:CI53> @0745;0 : A;54CNI5<C A;094C:
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@>:@CG8205B 3>@87>=B0;L=K9 ?>;7C=>: B5:CI53> @0745;0 : ?@54K4CI5<C A;094C:
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[5<>]( #AB0=02;8205B :>=D83C@0F8N A:@>;;8=30 2 @568<5 @50;L=>3> 2@5<5=8.
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- `directions`: (>?F8>=0;L=K9 ?0@0<5B@) =0G5=8O: `all`, `up`, `down`, `left`, `right` 8;8 8E :><18=0F8O, @0745;Q==0O 70?OBK<8, =0?@8<5@: `down, right`. $C=:F8O >?@545;O5B =0?@02;5=85, 2 :>B>@>< 1C45B 0:B828@>20= 8;8 450:B828@>20= A:@>;;8=3.
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### setResponsive(;>38G5A:0O >?5@0F8O)
[5<>]( #AB0=02;8205B >B7K2G82K9 @568<0 =0 AB@0=8F5. @8 CAB0=>2:5 E=0G5=8O `true` 02B>?@>:@CB:0 1C45B >B:;NG5=0, @57C;LB0B 1C45B B5< 65 A0<K<, :0: ?@8 0:B820F88 >?F89 `responsiveWidth` 8;8 `responsiveHeight`.
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- `index`: *(Number)* 8=45:A >1J5:B0.
- `item`: *(DOM element)* M;5<5=B >1J5:B0.
- `isFirst`: *(Boolean)* >?@545;O5B, O2;O5BAO ;8 >1J5:B ?5@2K< 4>G5@=8< M;5<5=B><.
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1@0B=K9 2K7>2 0:B828@C5BAO ?>A;5 703@C7:8 @0745;>2 8 7025@H5=8O ?@>:@CB:8.
- `origin`: *(Object)* 0:B82=K9 @0745;
- `destination`: *(Object)* :>=5G=K9 @0745;.
- `direction`: *(String)* 1C45B ?@8=8<0BL 7=0G5=8O `up` 8;8 `down` 2 7028A8<>AB8 >B =0?@02;5=8O A:@>;;8=30.
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anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', 'thirdPage', 'fourthPage', 'lastPage'],
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//8A?>;L7>20=85 8=45:A0
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//8A?>;L7>20=85 AAK;:8 A ?@82O7:>9
if(origin.anchor == 'secondSlide'){
alert("Section 2 ended loading");
### onLeave (`index`, `nextIndex`, `direction`)
-B>B >1@0B=K9 2K7>2 0:B828@C5BAO, :>340 ?>;L7>20B5;L ?>:8405B @0745;, ?@8 ?5@5E>45 : =>2><C @0745;C.
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- `origin`: *(Object)* 8AE>4=K9 @0745;.
- `destination`: *(Object)* :>=5G=K9 @0745;.
- `direction`: *(String)* 1C45B ?@8=8<0BL 7=0G5=8O `up` 8;8 `down` 2 7028A8<>AB8 >B =0?@02;5=8O A:@>;;8=30.
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onLeave: function(origin, destination, direction){
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alert("Going to section 1!");
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onLeave: function(origin, destination, direction){
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return false;
### afterRender()
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new fullpage('#fullpage', {
afterRender: function(){
var pluginContainer = this;
alert("$8=0;L=0O DOM-AB@C:BC@0 3>B>20");
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-B>B >1@0B=K9 2K7>2 0:B828@C5BAO ?>A;5 87<5=5=8O @07<5@0 >:=0 1@0C75@0. !@07C ?>A;5 87<5=5=8O @07<5@0 @0745;>2.
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alert("025@H5=> 87<5=5=85 @07<5@0 @0745;>2");
### afterResponsive(`isResponsive`)
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alert("Is responsive: " + isResponsive);
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alert("B>@>9 A;094 703@C65=");
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alert("5@5E>4 : A;094C 2! ");
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3. >A?>;L7C9B5AL [D>@C<>< Github Issues](, GB>1K 7040BL 2>?@>A.
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# =5A5=85 ?@54;>65=89 4;O fullpage.js
>60;C9AB0, ?@>GB8B5 [Contributing to fullpage.js](
# Changelog
'B>1K ?>A<>B@5BL A?8A>: ?>A;54=8E 87<5=5=89, ?>60;C9AB0, >1@0B8B5AL : [@0745;C 5;87K](
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# 5AC@AK
- ["5<0 Wordpress](
- [Vue.js wrapper component](
- [CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein]( (?><>65B 2 >?@545;5=88 7=0G5=8O `easingcss3`)
- [fullPage.js jsDelivr CDN](
- [?;038= fullPage.js 4;O October CMS](
- [?;038= wordpress fullPage.js](
- [48@5:B820 fullPage.js Angular2](
- [48@5:B820 fullPage.js angular](
- [4>?>;=5=85 ember-cli fullPage.js](
- [fullPage.js Rails Ruby Gem](
- [Angular fullPage.js  040?B0F8O 4;O Angular.js v1.x](
- [=B53@0F8O fullPage.js A Wordpress (1CG5=85)](
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![British Airways](
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