Beach volleybal!

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Nee maar echt

Join our family during one of the many activities throughout the year!

You will get to know all kinds of people who share at least one interest with you: volleyball.

You will find Harambee at:

  • The team presentations: where every team presents itself to the rest of the club.
  • The yearly prom: where you are definitely going to have that high wine or high cocktail with your crush.
  • Every home-matches weekend: where your fellow volleyball friends are playing their matches. Cheer them to the top! That's what Harambee stands for!
  • Harambee's monthly night out: every first Thursday we get away from the Sports Centre, and have a drink (or two) in the city.
  • ... and all other activities Harambee organises to make sure you have a great time!

Did you know that...

the name Harambee comes from a Swahili term which stands for "together we are strong and let us fight together"

The term was first used on the 5th anniversary of the University, by the former Rector Magnificus.


We are here to answer them!

If you have any questions about volleyball at Harambee, contact us at

If you have any questions about the association, terms of membership, etc. send a mail to the board:

Also, be sure to visit our regular site at!