cookiecutter-flask ================== A Flask template for cookiecutter_. .. _cookiecutter: .. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status .. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage Status Use it now ---------- :: $ pip install cookiecutter $ cookiecutter You will be asked about your basic info (name, project name, app name, etc.). This info will be used in your new project. Features -------- - Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome 4 with starter templates - Flask-SQLAlchemy with basic User model - Easy database migrations with Flask-Migrate - Flask-WTForms with login and registration forms - Flask-Login for authentication - Flask-Bcrypt for password hashing - Procfile for deploying to a PaaS (e.g. Heroku) - pytest and Factory-Boy for testing (example tests included) - A simple ```` script. - CSS and JS minification using Flask-Assets - Optional bower support for frontend package management - Caching using Flask-Cache - Useful debug toolbar - Utilizes best practices: `Blueprints `_ and `Application Factory `_ patterns Screenshots ----------- .. image:: :target: :alt: Home page .. image:: :target: :alt: Registration form Inspiration ----------- - `Building Websites in Python with Flask `_ - `Getting Bigger with Flask `_ - `Structuring Flask Apps `_ - `Flask-Foundation `_ by `@JackStouffer `_ - `flask-bones `_ by `@cburmeister `_ - `flask-basic-registration `_ by `@mjhea0 `_ - `Flask Official Documentation `_ License ------- BSD licensed. Changelog --------- 0.5.0 (09/29/2014) ****************** - Fix .travis.yml. - Update stale requirements (Flask-WTF, WTForms, Flask-SQLAlchemy, jquery, Bootstrap) 0.4.3 (07/27/2014) ****************** - Add ``BaseFactory`` class. - Add module. - Tests pass on Python 3. 0.4.2 (07/27/2014) ****************** - Update factories to factory-boy >= 2.4.0 syntax. - Update stale requirements. 0.4.1 (06/07/2014) ****************** - Update stale requirements (Werkzeug 0.9.6, WTForms 2.0) - Fix unmatched div tag in home.html (thanks `@level09 `_ ) 0.4.0 (04/19/2014) ****************** - Add ReferenceCol for less verbose foreign key columns. - Add SurrogatePK mixin for adding integer primary key to a model. - Add base Model class that has CRUD convenience methods. - Fix setting BCrypt encryption complexity. Tests are much faster. - Add Role model to show ReferenceCol usage. - Switch to pytest. - Upgrade all out-of-date requirements. - More test examples. - Remove "year" from cookiecutter.json (just change LICENSE if necessary). 0.3.2 (02/26/2014) ****************** - Fix static assets. 0.3.1 (02/20/2014) ****************** - Update default year in cookiecutter.json. Thanks @Omeryl - Correct testing of redirects in webtests. Thanks @Widdershin - Fix POST action in nav form. Thanks @Widdershin. - Update Bootstrap (3.1.1) and jQuery (2.1.0) - Optional support for bower. - Minified assets aren't used in dev environment. 0.3.0 (12/08/2013) ****************** - More modular organization: each blueprint contains its own view, models, and forms in a directory. There is still a single directory for templates and static assets. - Use Flask-Bcrypt for password hashing. - Flask-Login for authentication. - Simple test setup. Just create a subclass of ``DbTestCase``. - Flask-Testing support. - Use Factory-Boy for test factories. - Use WebTest for functional testing. - Add Flask-Debugtoolbar. - Migrations using Flask-Migrate. - Caching using Flask-Cache. - Add error page templates (404, 401, 500) - Add Font Awesome 4.0.3 for icons. 0.2.0 (09/21/2013) ****************** - Add script - Add Flask-Assets for CSS and JS bundling+minification - Use different configs for development and production environments, controlled by the MYFLASKAPP_ENV system environment variable - Use Blueprints and application factory pattern. The ``simple`` branch does not use these. 0.1.0 (08/20/2013) ****************** - First iteration - Bootstrap 3 final - Working User model and registration