#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Invoke tasks.""" import os import json import shutil import webbrowser from invoke import task HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(HERE, 'cookiecutter.json'), 'r') as fp: COOKIECUTTER_SETTINGS = json.load(fp) # Match default value of app_name from cookiecutter.json COOKIE = os.path.join(HERE, COOKIECUTTER_SETTINGS['app_name']) AUTOAPP = os.path.join(COOKIE, 'autoapp.py') REQUIREMENTS = os.path.join(COOKIE, 'requirements', 'dev.txt') @task def build(ctx): """Build the cookiecutter.""" ctx.run('cookiecutter {0} --no-input'.format(HERE)) @task def clean(ctx): """Clean out generated cookiecutter.""" if os.path.exists(COOKIE): shutil.rmtree(COOKIE) print('Removed {0}'.format(COOKIE)) else: print('App directory does not exist. Skipping.') def _run_flask_command(ctx, command): ctx.run('FLASK_APP={0} flask {1}'.format(AUTOAPP, command), echo=True) @task(pre=[clean, build]) def test(ctx): """Run lint commands and tests.""" ctx.run('pip install -r {0} --ignore-installed'.format(REQUIREMENTS), echo=True) os.chdir(COOKIE) _run_flask_command(ctx, 'lint') _run_flask_command(ctx, 'test') @task def readme(ctx, browse=False): ctx.run("rst2html.py README.rst > README.html") if browse: webbrowser.open_new_tab('README.html')