QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:false from 1st section to last', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: false, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); FP.moveSectionUp(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true & autoScrolling:false', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, autoScrolling:false, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); FP.moveSectionUp(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true from 1st section to last', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); FP.moveSectionUp(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 3, 'We expect section 4 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*3)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*3)}, 0]`); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true scroll normal down', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], 'We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]'); FP.moveSectionDown(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 1, 'We expect section 2 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*1)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*1)}, 0]`); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true scroll normal up', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage-last-section-active'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 3, 'We expect section 4 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*3)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*3)}, 0]`); FP.moveSectionUp(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 2, 'We expect section 3 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*2)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*2)}, 0]`); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:false from last section to first', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage-last-section-active'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: false, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 3, 'We expect section 4 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*3)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*3)}, 0]`); FP.moveSectionDown(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 3, 'We expect section 4 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*3)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*3)}, 0]`); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true from last section to first', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage-last-section-active'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 3, 'We expect section 4 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', `${-(windowHeight*3)}`, '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, ${-(windowHeight*3)}, 0]`); FP.moveSectionDown(); setTimeout(function(){ assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 0, 'We expect section 1 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getTransformFromElement($(id)), ['0', '0', '0'], `We expect sections transformation to be [0, 0, 0]`); done(); }, 100); }); QUnit.test('Testing continuousVertical:true with css3:false Checking middle slide stills in the middle', function(assert) { var id = '#fullpage-middle-slide-active'; var FP = initFullpageNew(id, {continuousVertical: true, css3:false, scrollingSpeed: 50}); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var done = assert.async(1); function getPosition(){ return $(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).find(SLIDES_WRAPPER_SEL).scrollLeft(); } assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_ACTIVE_SEL).find(SLIDE_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 1, 'We expect slide 1.2 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(getPosition(), 1000, 'We expect slides position to be 1000'); FP.moveSectionUp(); setTimeout(function(){ var position = $(id).find(SECTION_SEL).eq(0).find(SLIDES_WRAPPER_SEL).scrollLeft(); assert.equal($(id).find(SECTION_SEL).eq(0).find(SLIDE_ACTIVE_SEL).index(), 1, 'We expect slide 1.2 to be active'); assert.deepEqual(position, 1000, 'We expect slides position to be 1000'); done(); }, 100); });