import React, {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import './App.css'; import logo from "./via-logo.svg" import {Row} from "antd" import socket from "./util/socket"; import NextShot from "./components/NextShot"; import ShotsTaken from "./components/ShotsTaken"; import Feed from "./components/Feed"; import Lobby from "./components/Lobby"; import {Tick} from "./types/types"; const App = () => { const [started, setStarted] = useState(false); const player = useRef(new Audio("centurion.m4a")); useEffect(() => { socket.on('started', async () => { setStarted(true); await; }); socket.on('seek', async (sec: number) => { if (player.current.paused) { await; } socket.once("tick_event", (tick: Tick) => { // Wait till the next tick to actually start so we more closely match the leader's sound setStarted(true); player.current.currentTime = tick.current }); }); return () => {"started");"seek"); } }); const feedContent = ( ); const lobbyContent = ( ); const content = started ? feedContent : lobbyContent; return ( <>
); }; export default App;